AB/Academic Bulletin - January 2023 Editorial by Stefan Vajda on Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union
AB/Academic Bulletin - January 2023 Article by Květoslava Stejskalová speaking about Karolína Simkovičová
Joint laboratory of JH IPC and HZD founded The Heyrovsky Institute and The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf intensify their cooperation
Aktualne.cz - Article on J. Heyrovský Institute, February 2022 100 years ago Jaroslav Heyrovský discovered polarography
Stanislav Valtera active in Open Science Program of Academy of Sciences September 2021 - interview for Academic Bulletin
Remembering the 60th Anniversary of Jaroslav Heyrovský’s Nobel Prize On the same day, November 11 - Ceremonial opening of laboratories of the J. Heyrovský Chair project.
Cooperation between JH IPC and Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry CAS and The Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf signed Memorandum of Understanding
J. Heyrovský Institute Fills ERA Chair Position J. Heyrovský Institute Fills ERA Chair Position: Štefan Vajda to Manage New Nano-Catalysis Department
The J. Heyrovský Institute receives a prestigious ERA Chair grant The J. Heyrovský Institute receives a prestigious ERA Chair grant from the Horizon 2020 Programme, becoming only the second Czech organisation to receive this funding.