TWINNING project „NanoCAT“

NanoCat TWINNING project





The J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS has been awarded a prestigious TWINNING project entitled „NanoCAT“ under the new Horizon Europe programme for research and innovation. In this project, the coordinator, and his partners will receive the support of 1 375 500 € for implementing the project.

This TWINNING instrument aims to support the bridging of the gap between the Member States by developing and exploiting their research and innovation potential. The aim is to contribute to a more even and sustainable dissemination of excellent research in the European Research Area.

The support of this particular consortium partnership with the University of Ulm (Die Universität Ulm) and the Technical University of Vienna (Technische Universität Wien) will not only allow the HIPC to perform highly interdisciplinary research in the field of nanocatalysis by establishing close mutual cooperation and sharing of experiences but it will also increase the reputation and attractiveness of the coordinating institute for Czech and foreign scientists, the business sectors and other institutions.

The planned mobility of qualified scientists, together with the mobility of young researchers including PhD students and administrative staff, will encourage the development and creativity of new approaches and it will also improve skills in proposal preparation and project management precisely through the experience and sharing best practices of the partners. Another aim of the project is to strengthen the staff capacity of the Institute in order to increase the knowledge potential for participation in other international collaborative projects.