Stanislav Valtera active in Open Science Program of Academy of Sciences


Article promoting Open Science Program was published in AB/Academic Bulletin – periodical of Czech Academic of Science (CAS) in September 2021. Interview with two young lecturers, Stanislav Valtera from J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS and Barbara Líznerová the Institute of Art History of the CAS describes the benefits and pitfalls of involving high school students in the work of a scientist at CAS. Internships for high school students organized by the Academy of Sciences are becoming more and more popular. Enabling young people to learn what the profession of a scientist actually entails is only possible thanks to scientists from the Academy of Sciences. The internships were held in view of the restrictions and complications associated with the covid-19 pandemic. Although personal meetings with scientists are essential, lecturers and students have not given up mutual cooperation. In times of pandemic, internships have shifted to an online environment, self-study, and preparation for lab or field work.

Stanislav Valtera discovereded the beauty of science thanks to the Open Science Program, in the year 2014 he was one of interns. According to him, teaching high school students can help the researcher to see scientific problems from different sides than usually.

Article (in Czech).


Another interview with Stanislav about Open Science Program you will find on podcast Olinium (Czech only).